26 September 2024 (Thursday), 7pm
Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
“Global Campus Chronicles: India’s Transnational Education Revolution”
In this session, our panellists will explore whether it is worthwhile for India to pursue world-class but below the absolute top foreign higher education institutions (FHEIs). With absolute enrollment numbers reaching approximately 43.3 million —a significant 18% increase over five years—India faces a critical decision: Should the focus be on expanding undergraduate education, or is there a greater need for postgraduates to address the gaps in research and higher education faculty? One of the key questions is whether facilitating FHEI campuses in India will attract more international students—currently around 46,000 —or help retain the 750,000 Indian students who went abroad for their studies in 2022 . Additionally, what role can these foreign campuses play in enhancing higher education in India? Will they contribute to increasing the gross enrolment rate, which stands at 28.4% for the 18-23 age group? Do the concerns regarding the impact on the national educational landscape voiced in 2010 remain? If not, what has changed?
Join us on 26 September 2024, 7 PM, at Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, as we invite a group of leading educators, education policy, and industry experts to delve into these questions and more.
Shashank Vira (Managing Partner, Hearth Advisors)