31 October 2023 (Tuesday), 7pm
Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
“The Blind Side of Science: The Challenges and Journeys of Women in Academia and Scientific Inquiry”
For ages, women have faced systematic exclusion from scientific inquiry, often overlooked as both participants and subjects. Professor Anna Philpott will take us through her remarkable journey as a researcher and scientific leader, offering her perspective and insights along the way. She will then join a panel of experts and thought leaders to delve into the profound impact women can make when leading scientific teams. The discussion will range from the importance of assembling strong scientific teams and the necessity of women in medicine to examining whether imbalanced teams could be linked to injuries reported by women in professional sports using equipment designed for men.
Prof Anna Philpott (Head of the School of Biological Sciences, University of Cambridge)
Dr Gitanjali Yadav (Staff Scientist, National Institute of Plant Genomic Research)
Nandan Kamath (Sports Lawyer)
Dr Surveen Ghumman Sindhu (Director & HOD, Infertility and IVF, Max Healthcare)
Dr Vibhuti Patel (University of Cambridge)