19 March 2024 (Tuesday), 7pm
Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
“Living Heritage: A Balancing Act Between Preservation and Progress”
There are three distinct approaches to heritage conservation. The classical stance champions the preservation of physical fabric in its pristine state. The second approach involves engaging with communities intertwined with heritage, though it risks erasing the communities’ futures. The third, radical approach advises communities on preservation yet grapples with questions of whose heritage and interests should take precedence. Striking a delicate balance between tangible history and community values while safeguarding autonomy emerges as a critical imperative. Join us at Trendspotting, where a panel of historians, cultural theorists, and anthropologists navigate this complex issue.
Dr Swapna Liddle (Historian)
Olga Chepelianskaia (Founding Director, UNICITI)
Amit Pasricha (Panoramist and Founder, India Lost & Found)
Alison Barrett (Director India, British Council)
Shashank Vira (Managing Partner, Hearth Advisors)
Download or read an annotated bibliography for more details